Friday, July 31, 2009

Lord give us strength.

Today we found out that we're being counter-sued. It's ugly. And it's awful.

Lord, please be with my marriage and my children as we see our way through this dark forest. Please let us keep ourselves together and be happy despite these bumps in our road.

Please provide us some clarity as to how we are being better served by this situation. And allow us to see that glimmer of hope we so desperately pursue.

I thank you this day for my healthy children. I thank you for insulin to keep my husband alive and in good control.

I THANK YOU for my life and the enriching experiences we've had. Please continue to hold our hands, allow us to hold yours and see us through this blessing in disguise.

In your name I pray. Amen.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Lord, give me strength...

I've been feeling worn down and weathered from the 'storm' that is life lately.. please be with me and bulk me up for what's next. Continue to hold our hands and walk with us.. amen.

Today I pray for...

... my pregnant sister.. may her burdens in life be minimal in the third trimester!

My dear husband, let him quit smoking.. find what he needs and wants in his life to be able to finally put them OUT for good.

Our housing situation. I am happy to be in an apartment that is fine for us, please let the Thiel's come to thier senses and return us our earnest money so we can move on.

Lord, find us in our home as soon as possible. In your name.. Amen.

according to your needs....

When I first really began to listen and not just recite what I'd heard in church- and in prayer in particular, I realized that one phrase stood out to sum it all up: 'we pray for all people according to their needs'

This simple phrase makes it all so clear why and how some can pray for the range of things like saving a newborn life- to getting new curtains.

He is here. We are here. So, let me give this a try... on this blog, let us pray: according to our needs. To our God who is alive and well.