Sunday, September 13, 2009

Enough said...

Father, make me holy. Holy Spirit, make me eager. Jesus, make me glorious.
Do these things for your praise and for the blessing of those who need to know you better.
Please forgive me for the times I have settled for mediocrity and stir me to a holy passion to belong to you.
In Jesus' name.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Wavering for a day....

There was a day- not so many days ago- when I was wavering. I felt that God had left me to linger. I literally said out loud that I felt I was sitting in the devils lap. It was VERY uncomfortable. I do not ever plan to return to that place.

The next day, new good things began to happen. I am saying it out loud that those things were not a result of my 'day with the devil' but despite it.

The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways. When I am feeling 'left to linger' I need to remember that God's timing is divine. And unknown to me.

Patience had never been a well practiced intention of mine. And I have now intended to master it with the Lord as my guide.

Heavenly Father, Oh, that you would bless us indeed.
Continue to increase our territory!
That your hand would be with us!
And that you would keep us from ALL evil. Amen.

Romans for the day.

In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.

Romans 6:11-12

This verse of the day was very timely for me. I put it out there for a reminder to not 'sit in the devil's lap' for even an iota of a second!~ Stay clearly and blatantly in the lap of our Lord Jesus Christ.